Greetings New and Returning Chávez Families,
Re-establish Routines: Gradually adjust bedtimes and wake-up times a week or two before school starts to help children get back into a routine. This might include reducing screen-time and electronics use.
Come to the Monday Meet-Up on the Playground
Discuss Expectations: Talk to your child about what they can expect this school year, including any changes in grade levels, classmates or teachers.
Set Goals Together: Encourage your child to set personal and academic goals for the year, encouraging a sense of ownership and motivation
Practice Separation: If your child struggles with separation anxiety, practice short separations to help them adjust to being away from home.
Promote a Positive Attitude: Share your own positive experiences from school and highlight the exciting opportunities that await them.
Annually, 50 churches and 35 businesses and foundations, partner with local school districts to provide 3,500+ new shoes, socks and backpacks filled with school supplies to local students! If you are interested in a ticket, please watch for an email from 4J on Sunday, or access the link on the 4J Facebook Page.
School Supplies
Elementary Schools: Standard supplies, such as pencils, crayons, glue and scissors, again will be provided at no cost to all elementary students. We would ike students bring a personal backpack and water bottle. Please label both with your child's name
Middle Schools: Click on your school for your student's supply list for 24–25 school year. In addition, the school provides each middle school student a laptop to use for the year.
• Arts & Tecnology Academy
• Cal Young
• Kelly
• Kennedy
• Madison
• Monroe
• Roosevelt
• Spencer Butte
High Schools: The school provides each high school student a laptops to use for the year. Because high school students’ course schedules and needs can vary so widely, high schools do not generally have preset school supply lists for all students other than:
• Water bottle
• Notebook
• Pencils/pens
Devices for all students: Schools provide each student with a device for the year—iPads for elementary students, and laptops for middle and high school students.