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Chávez Elementary School


Title & Federal Programs

Chavez Elementary is a Title I School. Below is some information about what that means.

  • School Improvement and Federal Programs Administrator: Jeff Johnson
  • Federal Programs Coordinators:  Linda Grape and Roxanne Riedel

The Eugene School District 4J Office of Federal Programs mission is to provide supplemental funding and fiscal compliance guidance to all Eugene 4J schools and departments. Through these supplemental support services, our schools can continue to provide students with the essential skills needed to experience academic success.

Title I, Part A, Improving Basic Programs

Title I, Part A provides supplemental resources to the district to ensure all children, particularly low-achieving children in the highest-poverty schools, have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.

Title IA is designed to help students served by the program achieve proficiency on challenging state standards.  The funding is used to supplement district and school resources to ensure a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to receive a high quality education.

  • Support services for elementary schools listed below
  • Supplemental reading and math intervention (including materials, resources, and staff)
  • Data driven decision making and a team approach
  • Progress monitoring to determine if the interventions are working
  • Title I Elementary Summer School, K-4
  • Extended day, after school services
  • Extended and enhanced Kinder services
  • Professional development for teachers, EA’s and principals
  • Parent engagement and partnerships support to Title schools
  • Homeless services, K-12, to support families in need and school attendance

School-Wide Programs

A school-wide program is built on school-wide reform strategies, rather than separate, add-on services. A school is allowed to use funds from Title I, Part A and other federal education program funds and resources to upgrade the entire educational program of the school in order to raise academic achievement for all the students.

Targeted Assistance Programs

The term “targeted assistance” signifies that the services are provided to a select group of children; those identified as failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the state’s challenging content and student performance standards, rather than for overall school improvement, as in school-wide programs. A targeted assistance school differs from a school-wide program school in several significant respects:

  • Part A funds may be used in targeted assistance schools only for programs that provide services to eligible children identified as having the greatest need for special assistance.
  • Part A funds must be used for services that supplement, and do not supplant, the services that would be provided, in the absence of the Part A funds, from non-federal sources.
  • Records must be maintained that document that Part A funds are spent on activities and services for only Part A participating students.

Parent & Family Engagement and Partnership

Parental involvement always has been a centerpiece of Title I. Parent and family involvement is defined as regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring that parents:

  • Play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning
  • Are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school
  • Are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child

Title 1 Parent Family Partnership CIP Slideshow (English)

Title 1 Parent Family Partnership CIP Slideshow (Spanish)

Family Resource Center Services Website

Parent Involvement Policy

César E. Chávez staff recognize that parents play an important role in the education of their children. When schools engage families in ways that are linked to improving learning and support parent involvement at home and school, students are more successful.

We have developed the following Parental Involvement Policy as part of our Title 1 School-wide Comprehensive Achievement Plan.

  1. We will provide information about our Title 1 program at our Title One Annual Meeting in the fall during Curriculum Night.
  2. Parents will be involved with planning and reviewing the school-wide program and the parental involvement policy through participation in Site Council. Parents will be informed of the school-wide program and the parent involvement policy through the monthly newsletter and the school website.
  3. Our Title 1 Student/Family/School compact is reviewed and updated annually through the Site Council. The compact is presented and signed by students, families and teachers during fall conferences. This agreement states how parents, staff and students will share the responsibility for improved student achievement.
  4. Parents are informed about the school performance profiles, assessment results, curriculum used, assessment formats and proficiency levels expected at curriculum night and through school newsletters, parent/teacher conferences and report cards.
  5. Through parent/teacher conferences and information events parents are assisted in understanding assessments and how to work with their child to improve achievement. Resources and classes are available through the school social worker, Family Resource Coordinator and the Title One program.
  6. Teachers, families and students will be involved in transition activities into César E. Chávez Elementary, including Head Start transition meetings and Kindergarten Orientation, as well as transition activities out of Chávez, including visits to middle schools.
  7. Parents have many ways to access school and district information, including via monthly school newsletters, and online school and district calendars and websites. Communication is shared through email, phone calls, texts, Seesaw and Clever from staff and the school office. Student Rights & Responsibilities are mailed home annually and available in the office.
  8. Parents will be given the opportunity to volunteer at Chávez by working with their child’s teacher or the Family Resource Coordinator.

This plan was developed and approved by the César E. Chávez Site Council in May of 2015 and revised every year afterwards.  Site councils will review this every October thereafter. It was most recently revised at the November 2022 Site Council Meeting.

Comments, concerns, questions may be directed to the Administrator or Title Coordinator.