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BEST for Success Afterschool Program

The BEST Afterschool Program provides small group academic intervention services in math and reading, a warm meal, and enrichment classes to spark students’ interests and love of learning and to prepare them for the world beyond primary and secondary education. BEST has been supporting students and families in Eugene since 2000 and is funded in part by a 21st Century Community Learning Center grant, Title I funding and Eugene Education Foundation funding. 

BEST is located at five schools in the Eugene School District 4J. Our current program sites include: Chavez Elementary, McCornack Elementary, Howard Elementary, River Road/El Camino del Rio Elementary, and Kelly Middle School. The school district’s Title 1 program partners with BEST to provide reading and math interventions, staffing, training, and curriculum support. Elementary students in need of additional reading and/or math support are invited to participate in the BEST program at their school. The middle school BEST program is open to any student enrolled at that school.

The BEST Afterschool Program is currently operating under a Comprehensive Distance Learning module (CDL) during the pandemic, meeting our program needs through Zoom, Seesaw, Clever, and monthly asynchronous choice board offerings. Please click the following link to view our current CDL schedule. We will continue to operate under this module until state standards are met around safe in-person instruction.

BEST 2020-2021 program is in operation from October 12, 2020 through June 9, 2021. Program runs after school Monday through Thursday. Contact your school for more information.


In collaboration with community partners, BEST aims to engage youth in academic and enrichment opportunities that foster self-confidence, determination, a joy of learning, and a sense of community.


BEST strives to provide enriching afterschool programs for all students in need of expanded learning opportunities in our community. We will work to:

  • Foster mutually respectful relationships that honor student voice in decision making.
  • Boost academic achievement for all students.
  • Create an environment that supports necessary positive youth development.
  • Continually adapt program to empower students in becoming viable citizens of the 21st century.