3/15 - 2nd Grade Music festival at Buena Vista
3/17 – 3/21 - Scholastic Book Fair
3/19 – Chávez School Carnival
3/24 – 3/28 – Spring Break
3/31 – No School – Teacher work day
4/11 - Grading day - No School
4/17 - STEM night
5/9 – Picnic on the playground
5/16 – Jog a thon
5/26 – Memorial day – No School
Counseling Corner with Ms. Shannon, School Social Worker
It's been a joy to get our Conscious Discipline parenting support sessions underway, and to otherwise connect with parents across K-5 on supporting their student. It is genuinely an honor to do this work!
So many of us benefit from connecting with others who 'get it' to share laughter, strategies, and more. I wanted to highlight a support group that may interest some of you (below, with hyperlink to more information embedded) and also share about Oregon Family Support Network's offerings, one of which is their monthly Parent's Night Out Respite. Offered the last Wednesday of every month, OFSN offers these as a break for parents and caregivers with child supervision available, open to all PacificSource and Trillium families in Lane County. RSVP is required at least two days in advance and can be accessed via website linked above.
I'm also linking my digital Caregiver Corner where you can find a variety of resources. On the lower right of the Caregiver Corner, you'll see "Chávez counseling updates" with information about what we're currently exploring in different grade levels.
As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions of if I can be of support!
Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN) is a statewide organization providing education and advocacy from the family experience through to state government. Our work is community and family-driven to provide the best access and support to the families being served.
Every family deserves to be heard and understood.