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Chávez Elementary School

Cheetah Chat for 2/21/25 - Spirit Week, Bike Riding, Reminders, Attendance and More...

Posted Date: 2/21/25 (5:14 PM)

Dear Families,
We hope this newsletter finds you well! As we move through the school year, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude for your ongoing support and partnership. Together, we are creating a nurturing environment for our students to thrive.

Important Announcements
Next week is our Heart Health Spirit Week! We encourage all students to participate in fun activities and dress different daily themes to promote awareness about heart health. Please see boelow for more information. Your involvement makes a difference!

Celebrations from the Week
We have had a wonderful week filled with positive experiences, including:
  • Enjoying the beautiful weather during outdoor recess.
  • Conducting grade-level reviews of safe, kind, and inclusive behavior during recess.
  • Watching tranquil videos in the cafeteria featuring cozy fireplaces, deep-sea creatures, Earth from outer space, and geographic features from around the world.
  • Engaging in fun activities with our buddy classrooms.
  • Kicking off our school-wide kindness booster, inviting kids and staff to recognize everyday acts of kindness and celebrate them in the classroom, while adding links to our Great Chain of Kindness.
These moments highlight the spirit of our community and the kindness we see every day!

Reminders About Items from Home

We collaborate as a staff to make every minute count here at Chávez sand want to partner with you to make the day full of joyful learning.  Please help us out by noting the following:
  • Students should not bring toys to school.  Even the smallest toy, stuffed animal, Pokemon card or other cherished item becomes a distraction when in the classroom.  If your student needs to transport something for after school time or an after school transition, it should remain in the backpack for the day.  This includes equipment student might want to use at recess.  We provide all recess equipment.
  • Cell phones, if your child has one, should be turned off and in their backpack whils on campus.
  • Delicious morning beverages - hot chocolate, smoothies, etc. need to be consumed in the cafeteria before heading to class in the morning

Attendance Matters.
Regular attendance is crucial for students’ academic success and social-emotional development. Consistent attendance helps students stay engaged with their learning and fosters strong relationships with peers and teachers. We appreciate your commitment to ensuring your child is present and ready to learn each day.

Thank you for your ongoing support in making our school a nurturing and supportive environment. We are grateful for your partnership and look forward to continuing our collaboration to support our students' growth and success.

Screen Time, Social Media and You Tube

In today's digital age, children and adolescents are increasingly exposed to social media and online platforms such as YouTube, which can impact their mental and emotional well-being and expose them to content that is inappropriate and unsafe.  Research from the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that excessive screen time can lead to negative outcomes, including increased anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances. By setting limits on social media usage and unsupervised screen time, parents can help foster healthier habits and a more balanced lifestyle for their children. Encouraging consistent time limits and monitoring the content consumed can significantly reduce the risks associated with excessive screen exposure.

Fostering open communication about technology usage is crucial. Families can initiate discussions about the potential dangers of social media, such as cyberbullying and the pressure to conform to unrealistic standards. By educating children about responsible online behavior and the importance of privacy, families can cultivate a sense of digital citizenship. Resources such as Common Sense Media and the National Institute of Mental Health offer valuable insights and tools for parents to navigate these discussions effectively. Together, we can support our children's health and wellness by promoting a balanced approach to screen time and encouraging positive online experiences.

Thank you for all you do to support our kiddos.  

With gratitude,

Principal Kevin

Monthly Title One Tidbit:   READING FLUENCY

Fast Fact:  Reading fluently means reading with appropriate speed, accuracy, and expression.  
Fluent reading sounds similar to our conversational speech and helps kids understand what they are reading.  In order to read fluently, students must be able to read most words in the text automatically.  They also should group words together into phrases.  We often measure fluency by counting how many correct words per minute (cwpm) a student reads, but this is just a way teachers keep track of their progress.  We don’t want to encourage kids to read as fast as they can.   

Parent’s Part:  Model fluent reading for your children by reading in a conversational voice with expression (see the video below for more details).  When your child is reading, encourage them to read passages multiple times so they can increase their fluency.  Beginning readers who are just learning to sound out words, need to focus on reading accurately and automatically before they can be fluent but they still benefit from hearing fluent reading!

Quick Link:Reading Fluently Video

If you have questions about how to support your child’s reading development check in with your classroom teacher or our Title One Reading Specialists, Debra McIntosh and Alice Williamson.

Heart Health Spirit Week Next Week!
Join us in celebrating spirit week and heart health!

Monday Feb.  24th: ACE Day: Your Heart on your sleeve (hearts or


Tuesday Feb. 25th:  PEPPER Day: wear the rainbow eat the rainbow

Wed. Feb. 26th: DAKOTA Day:  wear your sports gear or favorite team, and get active! 


Thursday Feb. 27th:  RAIN Day: wear blue and stay hydrated! 

Friday Feb. 28th:  RILEY Day: get a good night's sleep and wear your pjs to school

The Sixth Eugene Youth Math Festival - February 22nd
What: Come PLAY with Math! 
More than 50 hands-on stations to spark curiosity and invite engagement supported by dozens of mathematicians, math students, and community math enthusiasts.

Who: Kids ages 5-14 accompanied by an adult
            Kids who love math and kids who don’t will find lots to enjoy  

When: Saturday, February 22, 10am - 1pm

Where: McArthur Court, University of Oregon, 1601 University St.

Admission is FREE and no registration is needed. Come and explore!
Spanish-speaking UO students will assist guests who need translation.
*Please note that the Math Festival volunteers cannot take responsibility for unaccompanied children and that anyone attending the event may have their photo taken for promotional or educational purposes (photo releases are required for entry). Also, we recommend bringing snacks and water bottles for the kids.

FREE Bike Riding Classes

Do you or your child want to learn how to ride a bike? 

Join 4J Safe Routes to School and partners at either or both of these all-ages, free, learn to ride a bike events coming up. Helmets and bikes will be provided, or bring your own. 

Remember, these events are free and are for people of ALL AGES who do not yet know how to ride a bike.

4J Elementary Music Festival - March 15th 10:00 - 3:00

4J Elementary Music Festival

Come support our 2nd Grade Singers at the Elementary Music Festival! 

They will be performing 11-11:30. 

At 12:30, all 3rd-5th grade students are invited to sing, dance, and play along at the POPJAM! 

We'll see you at Buena Vista Elementary School on SaturdayMarch 15th for the festival, which runs from 10-3. Hope to see you there!


An afterschool program for K - 5th grade students.  The club is held at Friendly Street Church (across from Adams Elementary) Wednesdays 1:10 - 2:15.  We will pick up and transport students to the Friendly Street Church.  All students will need transportation home provided by parent or guardian.

Sponsored by Child Evangelism Fellowship of Oregon, Inc.  541-342-8682  Contact: Miss Shawna Staley for more information 541-556-6619.  This program is not a school district sponsored program.

Clothes needed for our school clothes closet

Do you have gently used clothes that your child does not fit into anymore?  Please consider donating them to school.  We need both boys and girls clothes, mostly pants in sizes 5 – 10 youth.  Clothes need to be clean and school appropriate.

Thank you!