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Chávez Elementary School

Cheetah Chat for 2/7 - Family Craft Night, Music, PE, Kindness and More

Posted Date: 2/08/25 (:27 AM)

Cheetah Chat for February 7th, 2025
Dear Chávez Families,

Thank  you for another amazing week with your kiddos.  We had a little snow, a little sun, an awesome assembly and a lot of learning.  Today we kicked off our kindness booster to keep kindness top-of-mind all month long and linking together kind actions and words daily, literally creating a paper chain to go around the school.

Next week, our parent group, PACK is hosting Family Craft Night on Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00. Please come join us and create some crafts with your kids!

Have a beautiful weekend!

Principal Kevin

Music Minute with Ms. Allen

Greetings Cheetahs! 

This is your music teacher, Ms. Allen! I am so grateful to be here this year and look forward to many musical years ahead. In every music class and grade, we sing, play, and move.

Below are some highlights from each grade. Please ask your student about their music-learning - it may spark joy! 

🎵In 3rd-5th grade this month, we are starting some ukulele fundamentals! 

🎵4th and 5th grade students have been working hard on their recorder skills.

🎵In Kindergarten and 1st grade, we have been focusing on moving and grooving to the beat and singing in tune - alone and with others! All K/1 students have sung at least one solo this year so far!

🎵3rd grade has been working on their creative movement skills and percussion skills

🎵2nd Grade has a special event coming up! We are joining the Elementary Music Festival on Saturday, March 15th, from 10 am - 1pm. All 2nd grade students are invited to perform at this amazing 2nd annual event at Buena Vista Elementary School. We have already started learning our songs for the performance! 2nd Grade families: please look for a flyer about this coming home in a couple of weeks.

Music is my favorite thing in the world; to have the privilege of teaching your young musicians is truly an honor.  I will leave you with a quote by the great jazz singer, Ella Fitzgerald: “The only thing better than singing is more singing.”


Ms. Allen 

Coach's Chronicle

Hello families!  Coach Jay here with an update from P.E.  The next two week we will be doing our football unit, focusing on the overhand throw, catching, and also defending.  At the end of the month we will have our Free Choice Day.  Looking ahead to February, we will be focusing on Heart Health, in collaboration with the American Heart Association and the Kids Heart Challenge.  Our kickoff assembly will be on Friday January 24th, so be looking for a flier to come home with your student the following week, and more information in the school newsletter.  For us in P.E. that means activities like jump rope, relay's, and our first ever pacer test!  For this I'll be tracking the top 3 boys and girls for each grade level, so get ready to show off your endurance!  As always, please help your child do their best and be safe in P.E. by sending them with appropriate shoes - no crocs, boots, or flip flops!  Thank you for your support, and play on!

- Coach Jay

Have Electronic Recycling?

Bring it to Chavez from 2/18-2/25 and help us win our Competition:)

English Recycle Competition Flyer

Spanish Reclycle Competition Flyer

Heart Health Spirit Week

Monday Feb.  24th: ACE Day: Your Heart on your sleeve (hearts or RED) 

Tuesday Feb. 25th:  PEPPER Day: wear the rainbow eat the rainbow

Wed. Feb. 26th: DAKOTA Day:  wear your sports gear or favorite team, and get active! 


Thursday Feb. 27th:  RAIN Day: wear blue and stay hydrated! 

Friday Feb. 28th:  RILEY Day: get a good night's sleep and wear your pjs to school

The Sixth Eugene Youth Math Festival
What: Come PLAY with Math! 
More than 50 hands-on stations to spark curiosity and invite engagement supported by dozens of mathematicians, math students, and community math enthusiasts.

Who: Kids ages 5-14 accompanied by an adult
            Kids who love math and kids who don’t will find lots to enjoy  

When: Saturday, February 22, 10am - 1pm

Where: McArthur Court, University of Oregon, 1601 University St.

Admission is FREE and no registration is needed. Come and explore!
Spanish-speaking UO students will assist guests who need translation.
*Please note that the Math Festival volunteers cannot take responsibility for unaccompanied children and that anyone attending the event may have their photo taken for promotional or educational purposes (photo releases are required for entry). Also, we recommend bringing snacks and water bottles for the kids.

Food Resources for Families

For more than fifteen years’ we have partnered with United First Methodist Church to provide weekly bags with groceries for families.  The food bag program is limited to 30 families.  Food is sent home in a zippered bag every week.  We ask that the bags be returned to school so we can deliver the empty bags to the church.  Volunteers at UFMC do the shopping for the groceries, fill the bags and deliver back to school on a weekly basis.  If you would like to get on the wait list please contact Ms. Angie 541-790-5332


nd & 4th Thursdays 2:00 – 6:00 p.m
1410 W 13th Ave
Phone: (541) 686-9244

 1685 W 13th Ave Eugene

First and third Thursday of every month from 2-4pm. Weather permitting, this will be held outside the North Entry.

 Produce Plus brings high-quality fresh fruits and vegetables to people in need at community and neighborhood locations free of charge. UUCE Food Justice volunteers partner with Food for Lane County to provide a distribution site for this effort.

Who can get Produce Plus?

  • Households in Lane County living at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level can qualify for the program.

  • There is no program enrollment; all who come can be served as long as they sign the self-declaration statement that they meet the income requirement.

Contact:  Barry Broadbent


Phone:  541-344-9037


Click on this link to get more information on the many resources and services CCS offers to the community.

Feeling strained by your weekly grocery bill? Hundreds of households rely on food boxes from our Springfield and Eugene Service Centers every month. Our friendly CCS staff members and volunteers are ready to help you get the food you need today. Stop by in person during our food pantry hours or contact us to learn more.

Food Pantry Hours M/W/F 8am-12pm

Eugene Food Pantry  1464 West 6th Avenue,     Eugene OR 97402

Springfield Food Pantry 1025 G Street,     Springfield, OR 97477


Click on this link to get information about other locations that will provide groceries for your family.