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Chávez Elementary School

PIZZA Night TONIGHT, STEM Night 11/21 and NO SCHOOL Next Week

Posted Date: 11/20/24 (8:47 PM)

Greetings Chávez Families,

I wanted to reach out and remind families about some fun and exciting things happening at Chávez this week.

TONIGHT IS Chávez PIZZA NIGHT at Papa's Pizza at 1700 West 11th.  Flyers are coming home today and must be presented when ordering.  Papa's will generously donate 50% of the bill for your food purchase back to the Chávez parent group, PACK!

On Thursday, from 5:30 - 7:30,  we are hosting an amazing night of exploring science, technology, engineering and math in partnership with the Association for Diversity in Science from the University of Oregon.  We will have over 20 stations where students and families can explore fascinating polymers, build towers, learn about flight, robotics, energy, motion and more.  We encourage families to visit all of the stations but you are not required to.  This is part of our ongoing mission to help kiods realize that the work we do each day at school is imortant and about them and their future.  There will be a raffle for  great prizes at the end of the evening.  CHildren must be accompanied by a guardian or parent to attend.

Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL next week.  We WILL have parent-teacher conferences on MOnday from 9-5, for those who have scheduled.  If you have not scheduled a conference, please call the office 541-790-5300, or reach out to your child's teacher to see if there is a slot on Monday.

[Wednesday, Nov 20 at 1:01 PM]
I apologize for any confusion. Pizza night is TONIGHT. STEM night is TOMORROW.