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math graphicMath is a major area of focus at César Chávez Elementary.  School stakeholders identified math as one of three areas of improvement in our Every Student Succeed Act School Improvement Plan. We are focused on improving math skills, helping students see math as fundamental in their lives, and sharing a love of math across school settings and grade levels. 

 Students learn math using the Learn Zillion Curriculum, supplemented by additional materials and games targeted at helping our students develop a deep understanding of math concepts.  Each student at César Chávez Elementary receives 60 minutes per day of core math instruction and 30 minutes of additional math instruction targeted at their specific math level. Our goal in math is preparing students for a world where they will need to be mathematical thinkers, not just doers. This requires a shift in math education to a greater focus on fewer topics, a coherent linking of math topics from grade to grade and an increase in the rigor of our math programs.

 If you would like to read more about the “shifts” in math, you may read more at this link. 

Here is a link to our district math website with a ton of great resources.