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Back-to-School News You Can Use! Dates, Classes, Drop-off and More!

Posted Date: 8/26/24 (5:12 PM)

Greetings New and Returning Chávez Families,

I hope that you are enjoying this beautiful, smoke-free day.  Though the last week was a wet and cool one, I believe it is keeping the fires at bay so that we have this fresh, clean air.   Most staff return to work tomorrow, though our office and custodial staff have been hard at work, prepping the building and enrolling new students and some specialized staff are busy readying to support our learners. Special thanks to the team from Project Hope and Onyx House for helping with our staff room makeover!

Read on for more news you can use!

Principal Kevin

Dates to Remember.


Friday, Aug. 30:  Welcome Email from Classroom Teacher after 3:00.

Mon, Sept. 2: Labor Day
Tue, Sept. 3: No School – Planning Day - Meet Your teacher 2:00 - 3:00
Wednesday, Sept. 4th - Kindergarten Smart Start  - KINDERS ONLY (see below)
Thursday, Sept. 5th  - Grades 1-5  AND Kinders (last names A - L)
Friday, Sept. 6th - Grades 1-5 Continue AND Kinders (last names M - Z)

Friday, Oct. 11: No School

Fri, Nov. 8: No School – Mid-Term Grading Day
Mon, Nov. 11: No School – Veterans Day
Mon-Tue, Nov. 25-26: No School – Parent-Teacher Conferences 
Wed-Fri, Nov. 27-29: No School – Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 23- Jan. 6: No School – Winter Break

Office is Open!

Our office at Chávez is open for registration of kindergarten and other new students.  We are open from 7:30 - 3:00 each day.  If you have questions before visiting, please call 541-790-5300.  Information about enrolling your child can be found HERE.
If your child already attends Chavez AND you have not moved over the summer, there is nothing you need to do.

Kindergarten Smart Start Information

This year's schedule includes  two days where students will be separated into cohorts based on last name.  Under this arrangement, one cohort will attend class while the other group is out of school on Thursday, Sept. 5, with the cohorts reversed during the second day on Friday, Sept. 6. This schedule allows our educators to get to know the students in a smaller group setting and learn how to best prepare for a year of growth

Kindergarten Smart Start, Sept. 4–13, 2024

  • Last name A–L: Attend Sept. 4 (W), 5 (Th) and 9–11 (M–W)
  • Last name M–Z: Attend Sept. 4 (W), 6 (F) and 9–11 (M–W)

No Kindergarten Sept. 12 & 13 (parent-teacher conversations)
Regular school schedule begins on Monday, Sept. 16

Providing this unique start allows for smaller classes and time to connect with families, giving teachers the opportunity to understand your child’s unique strengths as well as their academic and social needs from the very beginning. Kindergarten Smart Start will help ensure a successful and personalized introduction to school for each student and a smoother start for all students.

Not a Kindergarten Parent?  

 Here are some ways you can support your child's transition back to school:
  1. Re-establish Routines: Gradually adjust bedtimes and wake-up times a week or two before school starts to help children get back into a routine.  This might include reducing screen-time and electronics use.

  2. Discuss Expectations: Talk to your child about what they can expect this school year, including any changes in grade levels, classmates or teachers.

  3. Set Goals Together: Encourage your child to set personal and academic goals for the year, encouraging a sense of ownership and motivation

  4. Practice Separation: If your child struggles with separation anxiety, practice short separations to help them adjust to being away from home.

  5. Promote a Positive Attitude: Share your own positive experiences from school and highlight the exciting opportunities that await them.

Thanks for all you do to support your learner and the work we do here at Chávez.  We can't wait to see you all soon.  Read on for more news you can use.

Principal Kevin

School Calendar for 2024-2025
All 4J school year calendars can be found HERE.  Our first day with kindergarten students will be September 4th and all students on September 5th.  More information about back to school coming next week.


7:30 - 7:50 -- Breakfast available to all students

7:55 am – Class Begins


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 2:25 pm

Wednesday 1:10 pm

School Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

7:30am – 3:00pm


7:30am – 2:00pm

Getting Your Kiddo to School

Morning supervision starts at 7:30 am. Please do not leave your child unsupervised at school.
  • All students will enter the building through the gym doors and either go to the cafeteria for breakfast or to the gym and wait until released for class.

  • Students arriving at or after 7:55 will enter through the office.

  • Students are expected to be in their classroom by 7:55 otherwise they are considered tardy.

Parking Lot & Transportation & Arrival and Dismissal

Did you know that the most dangerous place for a child on their trip to and from school is the school parking lot? Please help us to keep all our kids safe.  See below.

Vehicle Drop-Off and Pick-Up:
  • Follow signs to K-2 or 3-5 drop-off/pick-up zones.

  • Vehicles will pull into the white-striped Pause Parking lane and say their goodbyes and greetings in their vehicles.
  • Families will not be allowed to park and walk their child to the school entrance. If you prefer to park and walk, please take a look at our “Park & Stride” option below!
  • During drop-off, students will exit the vehicle on the right hand side. School staff will be there to greet them and direct them to their entrance.

  • Bus loop must be kept open for buses. Do not pull into the bus loop.

Park & Stride, Walk & Roll:

Try something new for the trip to and from school this year! If you're close enough to school, we encourage you to walk, bike, skate, or scoot.

  • If you need to drive, you can still avoid the school parking lot by trying our "Park and Stride" option. Albertsons at 18th and Chambers is letting Chávez families park in their lot at pickup and drop-off.

  • After parking at Albertsons, visit the ducks as you walk on the bridge over Amazon Creek to the back of our building. Staff will be there to greet you and your child and point you in the right direction. Your child will get a chance to move before they come to school, which has been shown to improve academic performance and is good for their health. And you'll be a part of making the air cleaner and our parking lot safer by keeping one more car out of it.

  • Once at school, families will head to a Family Meet Up Spot to say their goodbyes in the morning and reunite in the afternoon. Staff will be there to take over and direct each child to their designated entrance.

  • Family Meet Up Spots: (Choose the one most convenient for you)

    • Playground

    • Fire lane - on east side of building

Volunteers make the impossible possible.

There are many ways you can volunteer and be involved in your child's school!

In today’s schools, there are simply far more jobs and responsibilities than there are people to do them. By helping with special events and routine tasks, volunteers allow teachers and staff to focus more on helping children learn and grow. The school can accomplish more, and offer children and families more services, with the help of volunteers.

To get started click here to fill out the form.

Contact Ms Angie or call 541-790-5332 for any questions or if you need help filling out the form.

Why is school attendance important?

  • Kids who are in class at least 90% of the time do better in school.
  • Kids learn something every day in our classrooms and students make great contributions to their classroom community.
  • We want every child included in their classroom learning. We value their ideas and potential.

If your child is going to be absent for any reason please communicate with the school by:

School Supplies

Elementary Schools: Standard supplies, such as pencils, crayons, glue and scissors, again will be provided at no cost to all elementary students. We would ike students bring a personal backpack and water bottle. Please label both with your child's name

Middle Schools: Click on your school for your student's supply list for 24–25 school year. In addition, the school provides each middle school student a laptop to use for the year.
• Arts & Tecnology Academy 
• Cal Young
• Kelly 
• Madison 
• Monroe 
• Roosevelt 
• Spencer Butte

High Schools: The school provides each high school student a laptops to use for the year. Because high school students’ course schedules and needs can vary so widely, high schools do not generally have preset school supply lists for all students other than:

• Water bottle
• Notebook
• Pencils/pens

Devices for all students: Schools provide each student with a device for the year—iPads for elementary students, and laptops for middle and high school students.

Have Questions? Contact Us!

Chávez Office 541-790-5300

Principal Kevin

Ms. Karma, Secretary

Ms. Maria, Bilingual Office Assistant

Ms. Angie, Family Resource Coordinator

Fax: (541) 790-5310
Attendance: (541) 790-5322